In this sprint the Motionworks team focused on providing new features in the User Account Management area of the application that gives Account managers specifically laying the groundwork for authorizations around API Keys in the near future and user interface views for the groups they manage. We also updated new dynamic UI capabilities to explorer that change with sort orders. Take a look below!
Enhanced Control Over Geopath Measure License in UI
We're excited to introduce enhanced control capabilities for Geopath Measure licenses in our user interface (UI).
License Control for Account Managers: Account managers can now easily create new accounts for Citycast users and grant them access to Geopath Measures if they have an account already established with Geopath. They have the following UI control options:
- Explore: Fields with no values returned are automatically hidden, streamlined on the UI to provide a cleaner user experience.
- Workspace: The capability to hide the market plan and inventory plan modules based on the presence or absence of Geopath Measure licenses.
Introducing API Key Management in the UAM Module
This new feature offers control over creating and revoking API keys for developers and their associated apps. Here's what's new:
- Create Multiple API Keys: Users can now create multiple API keys for developers, with the option to assign one key per app. This enhances flexibility and allows for more specific API key management.
- UX for API Key Manager: The User Experience (UX) for the API key manager has been significantly improved, making it easier for users to create, regenerate, and revoke API keys.
- Future API’s to Data Sets: Having the abililty to easily deploy API keys to developers directly inside the platform are going to power the release of our API’s access to customers. Expect to hear much more about this in 2024.
Dynamic Cosmetic Changes for API Key Status
We're introducing dynamic cosmetic changes to the Platform Table Menu, specifically targeting the API key status.
- Approved API Key Status: When an API key status is approved, the user interface (UI) will now display the text "Revoke API Key" and change its color to red. This change provides a clear visual indication of the API key's status and action associated with it.
Ascending Order for Popcast Consumer Profiler and Prizm Premier
Ascending Order Added: We've addressed an issue where ascending order was missing. Now, in Consumer Profiler and Prizm Premier, you can expect results to be displayed in ascending alphabetical order as many of you expected.
Dynamic Map Shading and Legend Customization in Popcast
Real-Time Updates: The map shading now updates in real-time, responding to the user's selected sort order. This feature ensures that the map accurately reflects the chosen criteria.
Dynamic Legend: The legend dynamically adjusts to mirror changes in map shading, providing a clear and consistent representation of geographical data.
User Customization: Users can now customize both map shading and legend display through intuitive user interface elements. This empowers users to tailor their experience to their specific needs.
Sorting of Population Profile Index (vs DMA) column in Placecast Scenarios
One thing we heard a lot of feedback on since releasing the new Population Profile Index (vs DMA) column into Placecast Scenarios a few months back is that the new column didn’t sort. This has now been fixed in this release.
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