This light release only has just a handful of note worth new enhancements, so let’s get into them.
Shareable Link for Placecast Dashboard Reports
Expanding upon the shareable links for Individual Places we now enable users to get a shareable link for their entire Placecast Dashboard Report. This means that the full report and all tabs displayed on their Place Set is now able to be shared with any user. This public URL does not require a Motionworks Login to view and the insights can be viewed by anyone who you share the link.
Users will be given the option to name the link. This will show up as the title of the shared Page. There will not be a way to change this title, if you would like to change the title then just create a new shared link.
Please note that your link will auto expire 30 days after creation. This means that it will become invalid and no longer open the place. You will need to create a new link to share that place again.
Select Places Widget – Ability to Search by Place ID in All Places
This is mostly going to be for internal and power users, but previously we would not allow users to search the Place ID field in the Select Places Widget in All Places. Currently only the long 30+ character mworks UUID that was displayed in the Place ID field was searchable. We’ve updated this Search By field to allow users to now search for and find places using both Place ID and mworks UUID.
Improvements to Places Library V2 - Layers & Display Option Additions
Places Library V2 is still in beta, but we’re releasing some major improvements to it for accounts that have it ungated. Specifically, we’ve rolled out Layers & Display Options tabs like what you find in the other Explorer modules. You will also discover an updated UI that clears up more of the real estate for the map and moves the top navigation to buttons overlayed on the map.
Placecast Dashboard – Better Handling of Graphs with Large Numbers on Y-Axis
Previously charts in Placecast Dashboard showed the full number in the Y-Axis for the range of results. This could be hard to read and take up a lot of real estate when the aggregated numbers were in the millions and the UI was attempting to display 10,000,000 vs 10m. We’ve streamlined this for the graphs to intuitively pick up and display numbers in the millions with m and in the thousands with k.
Individual Place Insight - In PDF view Show locations of interest up close not full US
This was a fix to the PDF printout for Individual Place Insight Reports. The map component displayed a map of the entire US vs zooming in and showing a closer up view of the single place in the report. This has been fixed and now the map in the PDF version is much more usable.
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